Firm On Foundation
Welcome to the Firm On Foundation podcast I am your host iQONiQ.
Firm On Foundation is a podcast focused on a growth mindset. I am YOUR CHAMPION to help motivate and inspire you to be your best self! It is time to OWN WHO YOU ARE and Firm On Foundation will be there to encourage and support you on your journey! We discuss topics such as mindset, spirituality, self-care, self-love, healing, growth, love, life, relationships, health & wellness, self-improvement and issues facing society and culture.
19 episodes
Relationships, dating, surviving the single life and why you shouldn't settle
On this episode we are talking all things relationships! We explore romantic relationships, share stories of personal dating accounts, and discuss what love looks like from different relationship perspectives. The mistake of settling for less t...
Season 3
Episode 5

Learning to play the hand life has dealt
Wherever you are at in life... you likely have encountered challenges or circumstances that you've been learning to navigate or overcome. We need to find a way to accept and work through the hand that life has presented us with.
Season 3
Episode 4

Move your mindset from what's next to what's now
We all may grow impatient with understanding what our future looks like. It is important to develop a mindset that is not reaching too far into the future but instead one that appreciates the present moments.
Season 3
Episode 3

Answer the call on your life or miss your mark with Ralph Carter
For this episode we are joined by community leader Ralph Carter of We Are Linden. We discuss trusting your vision as you walk in purpose, leadership, empowering underserved communities, the importance of mental health awareness, and responding ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Letting go and looking forward with Cleo Hawes
A new year is here and old ways will be fighting to come into 2025 with you! If we want to grow it requires us to stand firm on our decisions to let go of toxic traits, bad habits, and those things and people that can't go with us into the new ...
Season 3
Episode 1

Getting to next by changing your now
It's almost a new year-so new you right?! WRONG! Unfortunately as good as it sounds...we do not suddenly transform into someone else overnight without being intentional about adjusting our mindset first. This involves being conscious and honest...
Season 2
Episode 7

Energy Never Lies
Energy never lies! The proof is in the pudding so trust the energy coming your way from those around you. Whether good-OR BAD! Avoid the common mistake of making excuses for people's energy that is below the standard of what you are giving them...
Season 2
Episode 6

Trusting your passion to lead the way and walking in purpose with Marlon Platt
We are all on a journey that we are constantly seeking to understand. We may or may not know what our true purpose is... but within that pursuit our passion drives us forward. Along the way we must be mindful of the company we keep, our environ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Business, entrepreneurship, and leaving a legacy with Chris Crump
Unpopular opinion says we should be mindful of our decisions today as they will affect our future tomorrow. What are you doing now in your life that is sustainable and lasting? Why do you keep waiting to start that business? What challenges wil...
Season 2
Episode 4

Redefining your trauma, owning your power and the relationship between power & problems with E.B.
Power and problems go hand in hand! You may face hurdles that leave you feeling powerless...but how long will you stay in that place of powerlessness? When faced with problems or situations which force you to tap into your power...you soon unde...
Season 2
Episode 3

Relationships: Singleness, Exes, and Knowing Your Worth With Cleo Hawes
Let's talk relationships! The good, the bad and the UGLY!! We all have been there...gave someone more attention than they are giving us...settling for less than we deserve. Sound familiar? Settling for the bare minimum or giving love, care and ...
Season 2
Episode 2

Building Balance By Creating Boundaries
Let's face it..we ALL can be a little too lenient when it comes to expressing and committing to creating and following through on our boundaries. Boundaries are the building blocks of balance. When you lack boundaries you are basically saying y...
Season 2
Episode 1

Embracing the Growth and Good In Grief with Cleo Hawes
Grief is a delicate and difficult emotion to master and understand. We should be patient and kind to ourself as we navigate this process. It's okay to allow yourself time to feel, deal and heal. Nothing will ever make our life feel as complete ...
Season 1
Episode 7

What's Your Source?!
In this episode we explore the common mistake of making associations without knowing what's at the source. Too many people are willing to bypass their intuition, standards, beliefs, morals and values to follow the trend of what's popular or con...
Season 1
Episode 6

Everything Is Meaningless
Where are you investing most of your time and energy? Are you in a circle or relationship with people that match your energy? Are you being poured into or simply doing all of the pouring without your energy ever being reciprocated? We must be m...
Season 1
Episode 5

Choosing Quiet Over Chaos
Have things slowed down for you lately? Less calls from friends, less interest in doing things or there actually being things to do. Less opportunities coming your way or invitations for brunch, playdates, dates or kickbacks? Well GOOD FOR YOU!...
Season 1
Episode 4

Ride the Waves That Come Your Way
Have you ever heard the saying, "life is full of ups and downs?" Well...while this is truth...that statement conditions us to simply accept and not embrace the changes that come our way. Everyone wants to experience the peaks but it is in the v...
Season 1
Episode 3

Stepping Into Your ME SZN With the ME SZN Mentality
This is your ME SEASON! This is your time to live freely, unapologetically and truly prioritize your own wants and needs. We all have encountered those people who make it a habit to take take take all that you constantly pour into them while fa...
Season 1
Episode 2