Firm On Foundation

Building Balance By Creating Boundaries

iQONiQ Season 2 Episode 1

Let's face it..we ALL can be a little too lenient when it comes to expressing and committing to creating and following through on our boundaries. Boundaries are the building blocks of balance. When you lack boundaries you are basically saying you are down for anything and willing to put everything and everyone else first. Establishing healthy boundaries...saying NO to those draining or time consuming things you tend to always say yes to...creating a schedule of your availability at work and making it visible to others- and sticking to those parameters of when you can meet or are free....setting an earlier bedtime and not taking calls after a certain time in the get the point! We must move with intention and setting boundaries help with self-accountability! With healthy boundaries established...we help ourself with avoiding feeling too overwhelmed or taken advantage of. Once we create boundaries we are able to realize more balance in our lives. We have more time and energy for our priorities, wants and needs!

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