Firm On Foundation
Welcome to the Firm On Foundation podcast I am your host iQONiQ.
The Firm On Foundation podcast is centered around self-care, self-love, healing, personal development and growth.
IT IS OWN WHO YOU ARE and I will be there empowering you to do just that. Let's be has its ups AND downs so let's navigate them together.
Your mindset DOES matter and finding YOUrself is key so buckle up for this roller coaster ride called LIFE!
The truth is...WE are the author of our book and the builder of our house.
In order to thrive EVERYTHING needs a strong foundation!
Firm On Foundation
Energy Never Lies
Energy never lies! The proof is in the pudding so trust the energy coming your way from those around you. Whether good-OR BAD! Avoid the common mistake of making excuses for people's energy that is below the standard of what you are giving them. Let's stop having such high expectations of how people should treat us and the energy that we feel we deserve... and instead accept things for what they are and move accordingly.