Firm On Foundation
Welcome to the Firm On Foundation podcast I am your host iQONiQ.
Firm On Foundation is a podcast focused on a growth mindset. I am YOUR CHAMPION to help motivate and inspire you to be your best self! It is time to OWN WHO YOU ARE and Firm On Foundation will be there to encourage and support you on your journey! We discuss topics such as mindset, spirituality, self-care, self-love, healing, growth, love, life, relationships, health & wellness, self-improvement and issues facing society and culture.
Firm On Foundation
Energy Never Lies
Energy never lies! The proof is in the pudding so trust the energy coming your way from those around you. Whether good-OR BAD! Avoid the common mistake of making excuses for people's energy that is below the standard of what you are giving them. Let's stop having such high expectations of how people should treat us and the energy that we feel we deserve... and instead accept things for what they are and move accordingly.
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If you know of someone else who could use a supportive community focusing on a growth mindset, motivation and empowerment...share the podcast with them so that we may continue to create more impact! By sharing with family, friends, and on your socials... our message and podcast is able to continue to grow and reach others in need.
I am YOUR CHAMPION encouraging you to be your best self and inspiring you to own who YOU are!
Firm On Foundation:
Email: firmonfoundation@gmail.com
Subscription Page: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2356883/support
Youtube: Firm On Foundation
Instagram: Firm On Foundation