Firm On Foundation
Welcome to the Firm On Foundation podcast I am your host iQONiQ.
Firm On Foundation is a podcast focused on a growth mindset. I am YOUR CHAMPION to help motivate and inspire you to be your best self! It is time to OWN WHO YOU ARE and Firm On Foundation will be there to encourage and support you on your journey! We discuss topics such as mindset, spirituality, self-care, self-love, healing, growth, love, life, relationships, health & wellness, self-improvement and issues facing society and culture.
Firm On Foundation
Everything Is Meaningless
Where are you investing most of your time and energy? Are you in a circle or relationship with people that match your energy? Are you being poured into or simply doing all of the pouring without your energy ever being reciprocated? We must be mindful of where our time and energy is spent in order to be intentional about self-preservation. When it comes down to it we really are living a life which is by design. There is nothing new under the sun so why engage or entertain everything? Intentionality and discernment is key in order to move through life trusting in Him and His plan for us. An understanding that we must trust the process instead of focusing on how life makes us feel helps us to move forward.
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I am YOUR CHAMPION encouraging you to be your best self and inspiring you to own who YOU are!
Firm On Foundation:
Email: firmonfoundation@gmail.com
Subscription Page: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2356883/support
Youtube: Firm On Foundation
Instagram: Firm On Foundation