Firm On Foundation
Welcome to the Firm On Foundation podcast I am your host iQONiQ.
The Firm On Foundation podcast is centered around self-care, self-love, healing, personal development and growth.
IT IS OWN WHO YOU ARE and I will be there empowering you to do just that. Let's be has its ups AND downs so let's navigate them together.
Your mindset DOES matter and finding YOUrself is key so buckle up for this roller coaster ride called LIFE!
The truth is...WE are the author of our book and the builder of our house.
In order to thrive EVERYTHING needs a strong foundation!
Firm On Foundation
Stepping Into Your ME SZN With the ME SZN Mentality
This is your ME SEASON! This is your time to live freely, unapologetically and truly prioritize your own wants and needs. We all have encountered those people who make it a habit to take take take all that you constantly pour into them while failing to reciprocate the same energy and effort in return. It is time overdue to pay yourself FIRST and stop people pleasing.
With the exception of our children and those who rely on us to care for is a true act of self-care and self-love to say YES to YOU and NO to OTHERS at times for the sake of our own self-preservation. The opportunists in your life... and society in general... will continue to make certain demands and have expectations of you that will keep them fed and in control. They repeatedly want you to be what they want you to be. People who only take and never give are ultimately being rewarded for absolutely nothing and get away with doing the bare minimum leaving you feeling empty.
We all have had moments where we do not fully "stand on business" and honor ourself and our desires in fear of becoming less likable and letting others down. The question then becomes how long are you going to keep letting yourself down and see this as acceptable behavior? This isn't a declaration of war from spending time and giving energy to family, friends and loved ones. Instead...this is a movement to DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU, be true to yourself and start choosing YOU more often when appropriate-even if they do not like it! This "ME SZN Mentality" is here to serve as your safeguard against anything or anyone intending to disrupt your peace, happiness or the freedom to prioritize your wants and needs. Those who truly care for you will understand and allow you the space to grow and do what's best for yourself. Doing and being the person who you truly feel you are on the inside takes courage. It can even be a lonely road because once you step into this new "ME SZN Mentality" people will be disappointed and complain that you are less available as you begin to shift your energy from them to showing yourself the love and attention that you deserve.